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Confess this prayer out loud now.
I (…say your name…) today received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour (John 1:12), having surrendered my life to Him by confessing Him to be my Lord and know that I am saved because God’s unchanging Word says so and I have chosen to believe His Word rather than my ever-changing feelings. Â Romans 10:9-10 (i) “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and (ii) believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead (iii) YOU SHALL BE SAVED; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”
i. Â I have confessed with my mouth Jesus as Lord and received Him as my personal Saviour.
ii. I do believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God, who died on the cross to shed His blood as a complete offering for all sin and was raised to life again on the third day.
iii. Because I have done what God said, I know He has done what He said. Â He said ‘YOU SHALL BE SAVED’. Therefore I know with certainty that I AM NOW SAVED. Â I thank and praise you Father for my salvation.
Apostle Allan and Pastor Janine are excited to hear about your awesome decision to follow Jesus. Please let us know if you have just prayed the prayer in the “My Decision” window and to receive a free gift from Apostle Allan and Pastor Janine by following the link “Let us know”Â
For your spiritual growth practice the following:
1. PRAY DAILY. Start off each day with early morning prayer. God is now your Father and He desires to have fellowship with you. Mark 1:35; Mark 1:24; John 16:23; 1 Cor 14:2, 4, 14-15.
2. STUDY GOD’S WORD DAILY. Just as your body needs food for growth, so also your inner mind needs the word of God to feed and build you up spiritually. Joshua 1:8; Prov 4:20-23; Matt 4:4.
3. FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRISTIANS REGULARLY. Join a Home Cell, make some Christian friends and attend Sunday services; firstly to worship God and secondly to hear the Word of God. Acts :42, 46-47; Heb 10:25.
4. CONFESS YOUR SALVATION TO YOUR FRIENDS. Christ was not ashamed to die publicly for you; don’t be ashamed to confess Him in public. It confirms your own salvation and strengthens you spiritually when you tell others what Jesus has done for you. Mark 16:15; Matt 10:32-33